Stone calculator

Let's figure out how much stone you need. First, pick your project's general shape:

My project is a:

Next, enter the length, width, and estimated depth of area you're covering and filling with stone.

Project Estimate:
Please note that this is an estimate and different surfaces require different quantities of stone

Send us your project details

Submit your project info to one of our stone experts and we'll get in touch to discuss timeline, price, and material choice within a business day.

Utilized in a variety of applications, coarse aggregates are an integral part of the building process by providing the materials to facilitate concrete, precast, and asphalt production. Whether it is backfilling the foundation and crawl space on a residential project, or preparing the sub-grade for a commercial or industrial space, we have a coarse aggregate which will meet your project needs.

Materials: #5, #56, #57, #68, #78, #8

Order Now: (540) 434-6192 |

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