Stone calculator

Let's figure out how much stone you need. First, pick your project's general shape:

My project is a:

Next, enter the length, width, and estimated depth of area you're covering and filling with stone.

Project Estimate:
Please note that this is an estimate and different surfaces require different quantities of stone

Send us your project details

Submit your project info to one of our stone experts and we'll get in touch to discuss timeline, price, and material choice within a business day.

By connecting a section on the north end of Harrisonburg to the rest of the bike Friendly City, we have added a 2.5 mile long thread to Harrisonburg’s bike and pedestrian friendly fabric. This allows citizens to commute in a safe and fun way.

The Frazier Quarry contributed by donating several tons of stone for sections not covered by the City, and worked in stride with the contractor to supply the engineered base as well as a compacted base of 21A.



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